What Does Deadwords Mean?

Beer is the world’s favorite beverage – around the globe, people consume more beer than coffee, wine, and sodas.  Beer has anointed weddings and births, and it has brokered peace between warring factions.  Some scholars say that, if not for beer, we may not even have agriculture and the civilizations it made possible. 

At Deadwords Brewing Company, we have always been curious about this persistent ancient beverage, and our curiosity uncovered – and will continue to uncover – some captivating facts. 

Our name is inspired by the Hymn to Ninkasi, a nearly 4,000-year-old beer recipe written in an archaic language.  To us, it was fascinating to realize that although the earliest words used to describe and define it are now “dead languages,” beer has outlived those words – and even the civilizations that have consumed it. 

As such, Deadwords Brewing Company will celebrate beer’s greatness throughout the ages as we translate and resurrect ancient recipes and uncover elements of mystery, dark history, iconic symbolism, and anthropological discoveries.  

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